Thursday, June 08, 2006

More Parental Insanity

I'll provide a little history first. I have a problem with "popups" as we call them. Usually they take the form of a dream that seems so real that I actually respond to it by "popping up" out of bed. One time it was a snakes in the bed. Another time, I had to go check the front door, because I thought I heard knocking. They happen every once and a while.

But it gets worse....

I've now had a popup two nights in a row. These are about Matty.

Popup #1: "Matty don't roll off the bed"
In my dream Matty was about to roll off of our bed. I was struggling to keep him from rolling off the bed. Trying to pull him closer to me and away from the edge. Until Kylene woke up and said "What are you doing?" Apparently, I was very desperately shaking her and trying to pull her from the edge of the bed.

Popup #2: "I've lost the baby"
In this dream, Matty rolled off of the top of Caesar's kennel (Don't ask me why he was there in the first place, this is where the dream started). This actually partially woke me up. I jumped out of bed and began desperately searching for Matty. I looked beside the kennel, behind the kennel, inside the kennel, under the bed. Kylene wakes up about half way and says "What are you doing?" In a panic I exclame, "I've lost Matty!" At this point, I came all the way awake and suddenly realized that Matty was probably safe and sound in his crib where I had left him several hours earlier. I went to check and of course he was.

So this is the fun I'm now experiencing. I'm dreading when he starts crawling. I'll probably find myself on the lawn at 2AM shouting his name at the top of my lungs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


As the family "carrier" of the popup gene, you have my empathy! My popups ran wild when you were a baby, and they just began to settle down about a year ago! So in about 25 years, you'll be fine! :-)


1:29 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

I didn't want to call you out to blame you Mom. :-) Glad to know I just have to wait it out. Now if you don't mind, I'm off to buy a straitjacket. :-)

1:49 PM  

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