Thursday, April 14, 2005

Knowing is half the battle

So as Dave stated in his earlier post the first pregnancy test I took came up really weird. As I read the instructions it said wait a week and try again if you get a false or weird reading. A WEEK!!!!! I don't want to wait that long. To make matters worse I was to have a very important meeting at work the next day. We were to go over employee contracts. As my boss is talking to me she asked if everything was ok. I told her that I had a lot on my mind.

If I am.... I can't sign a contract that locks me into somewhere without the understanding that I will be leaving when I'm to big to work (I'm a massage therapist).

I told her I wanted to take it home so we could look it over. And she asked me again if everything was ok because she noticed I was really flush and not feeling very well. At this point I had to let her know what was on my mind since she was my boss and friend who would know what I was going through.

She was the one who gave me the idea to try another brand.

I went food shopping Wednesday and thought "What the Hell can't do any harm".......

I get home and bring the groceries in and grab the new test and head off to hopefully not fail this test. As I finish It was almost immediate.....POSITIVE!!! I called Dave at work and gave him the news. Needless to say he got no work done for the rest of the day. I've never seen someone so happy to get the news that he's going to be a dad. What a wonderful feeling knowing I have someone who will be there with me through this life altering event. He truly is a wonderful husband and will be a wonderful father.

Tomorrow is the doctors visit that will let us know the truth. Hopefully I will be able to sleep tonight and concentrate on work tomorrow. Please let tomorrow at 11:30am get here as soon as possible.


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