Monday, November 14, 2005

Yoga for you, Yoga for me, Yoga for baby

For starters I didn't make Dave take yoga with me. I just didn't give him a choice. Kidding. I simply ask him if he'd be interseted in taking a beginners yoga class with me since my prenantal yoga had been canceled. The yoga instructor said I would be fine in the beginners class because there were two other moms-to-be who had signed up also. So Dave and I show up for our first class and I'm the biggest one out of the three moms-to-be. Most of our class mates take one look and thought "Oh she's not going to be able to do this." Little did they know I've been a ballet dancer for most of my life and have been condtioned for stretching and strengthing. After a few weeks of class some of our class mates come up to me and say "Man I don't know how you bend and stretch like that"...well I had to tell them about the ballet. Dave however is still mad that I can out stretch him. We do love taking the class together. Its a wonderful feeling to have him there with me. Taking the class with other pregnant women is wonderful too. I met and befriended another mom-to-be named Anne, who happened to be a hypnobirthing instructor. Which is something we were intereseted in. We decided to persue classes with her and felt that the phylosophy ( was in tune with what we wanted out of this birth. All in all the yoga has done wonders for us, with meeting people such as Anne, lowering bloodpressure (which was already normal), balancing those nasty pregnancy hormones, to keeping me from developing a waddle (thank god for the last one!).


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