Friday, December 23, 2005

The way of the section

As most of you know Matthew was born about a week ago. What some of you don't know is that he had to be delivered by C-Section. We were given the option to get induced or have the section. At our appointment our doctor informed us that even with trying to go natural if there was even a slight complication it would be an emergency section due to the risk because of Matty's shear size. Dave and I discussed our options after our appointment. And due to the fact that I was already in early labor with severe back pain we made the decision to go the way of the section. Now we had been to triage twice before our doctors appointment and when given the option I knew what was going to be involved. I knew something wasn't quite right when I started having back labor and was up for 48 straight hours. Now originally my c-section was scheduled for Monday the 19th, but the lady who schedules the surgeries at the office told the O.R. that if anything anything at all opened up that we would take it. Well thank god for saying that we were open anything because later that afternoon we received a call that my surgery had been moved up to the next day at 1pm. As we arrived at the Family Birth Place at Union Hospital I prayed that Kristen (our birthing class teacher) was on duty. And to our surprise she was. She told us how she hated c-sections but because it was us she had to take it. This made us feel like we had made the right decision knowing that someone we trusted would be there to take care of our baby. When it came time to be wheeled down for preparation for surgery I was calm and at peace with the choice we had made. I think my calmness surprised everyone even the doctors. Knowledge is key. Being prepared and accepting my fate helped me stay calm and relaxed. Along with the hypnobirthing training we had received I was able to separate myself from the busyness in the operating room. Every time I was told that something was about to happen I would respond with an "OK". Apparently I was one of the best patients they've ever had, since I heard someone say "God I wish they were all like her." All in all I'm happy that my baby and I are healthy even if Mattew did take the easy way out.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Projectile ...

Poop? I didn't know that babies could do that, but I certainly witnessed it. I think I saved our bed, because the angle was just right. My pants on the other hand need a run through the wash. But I just thought I would announce that I have received my fatherhood baptism.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Now presenting...

Matthew Anderson Cleaver
born at 2:25 PM on December 15th. He is 22 inches long and weighs 9 pounds and 9 ounces. Kye and the baby are doing great.

Friday, December 09, 2005

You know what they say about men with big feet ...

... they have large shoes. Probably why we haven't bought this little guy any shoes yet. We went for this ultrasound today, because once again they thought Kylene was measuring big. Well the estimate of the weight was ten and a half pounds. They said it could really be a pound either way, we're rooting for a pound less than that, but I guess we'll see.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

To A Wonderful Husband

I would just like to say thank you to my loving and supportive husband. He has been nothing short of a saint throughout this pregnancy. Even with the hormones and the crying fits he never made me feel like I was insane. He tells me I'm beautiful everyday and how proud he his of the job I am doing. When he talks to the belly and the baby responds to his voice I see the amazement and joy on his face of knowing that soon he will fulfill a life long dream of becoming a dad. I feel like the luckiest woman in the world to have someone like him for my husband, because I know that not everyone has someone as special as him. He truly is a blessing.

I love him more than words can say.