Monday, April 25, 2005

Night and Day

That's what the old and new doctor's offices felt like. The old doctor's office always felt small and dark, while the new office feels very light and open. The nurses at the new doctor's were also very nice and friendly. They were joking with us and made us feel very comfortable. So all around a great experience.

We got quite a bit of stuff when we went to the office today. Something along the lines of two small shopping bags stuffed with reading material and freebies. Speaking of freebies, we now have diapers. We got a few Pampers Swaddlers, which will only last us a few minutes in the impending onslaught of baby poop, but the thought is appreciated.

Our next appointment is three weeks from now on May 19th. It will be our first sonogram and chance to meet one of the new doctors. I remain incredibly excited for the sonogram. The whole thing already feels real, but I'm a visual person and somehow the sight of our growing baby will just help to reinforce things in my mind.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Secret Societies

I'm not wearing my tinfoil hat. It's just that Kylene and I feel like we're joining a club. She mentioned it to me as a sort of motherhood club, but upon reflection I see it as a parenthood club. If we tell someone who does not have children that we are pregnant, they congratulate us. When we tell someone who has children, they congratulate us as well but it's accompanied by a knowing smile or a wink. Sort of as if to tell us that in nine months we'll learn the secret handshake and get access to the monthly meetings.

All joking aside, we really appreciate the extra level of encouragement that we get from those who've "been there". It helps to calm and reassure the nervous energy and feelings that are associated with our "first time".

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Flashing Lights

Today we had a small scare. The doctor's office (the doctor we are leaving) called and told Kye that they "were worried about her progesterone levels" and wanted to place her on a supplement. Progesterone is apparently very important to the success of the pregnancy. Kye told them that we were switching doctors and we had an appointment on Monday, so the nurse proceeds to tell her that the new doctor will decide what to do then. To make a long story short, we began to get really worried about the potential of a miscarriage without this hormone. We called the office back (they of course didn't answer, just another reason to switch doctors) and when we got a hold of the obstetric nurse, she said that she felt that Kye should start taking the supplement now. They called in the prescription and we just picked it up from the pharmacy. So we are calmer and in general happier.

So back to the title of this post. In my rush to get home to Kye today to help comfort/calm her, I realized that expectant fathers should be issued a little flashy light for the roof of their car. The ones like you see detectives use in the movies. I'm just glad I work close enough to home, that I can get back quickly.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

She says I'm overprotective

I'm not denying it. I realize I'm probably going overboard, but I just want everything to go perfectly. All the fathers reading this are probably laughing at me. That's fine I think the feelings will subside somewhat. They won't go away I know this, but I think it's just the newness that makes them quite so intense.

On a different note, we went to see our nephew today. I think if possible it makes me want this baby even more. He is so incredibly adorable, and I can't help but imagine our child doing the things that he does. Needless to say excitement abounds.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

The cat is out of the bag

Not that we were trying to keep it in the bag.

We told my parents today. I was extremely nervous. That seems silly in retrospect, but our minds and bodies do silly things to us. Last night we invited them to meet us in Exton for some shopping. On the way today I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest. It's a lucky thing I don't have a preexisting heart condition. :-) They were happy for us of course. I think Mom actually may have squealed just a little, something which I wasn't expecting.

On a different note we bought some books today. I purchased Your Pregnancy For The Father-To-Be, which so far is shaping up to be an excellent book.

Tonight I'm in the mood to sign off with a good quote so here goes...
A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for - Anonymous

Friday, April 15, 2005

1st one down a million more to go

Today at the doctors office wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I miraculously had a client this morning who believe it or not was a labor and delivery nurse at Union hospital. She put me at ease and told me everything they were going to do today. She also told me I could switch doctors since I told her I didn't want to deliver at Christiana. Thank god!!!! I really want to go somewhere more family oriented. Thank you Kristen Allen.

Dave was nice enough to take the day off from work to be with me. He even sat in the room while they did my exam.....god I hate the stirrups. He however was not allowed to be there while they took my blood. Which was fine I'm a big girl....well not yet at least:) As she started she had 4 vials in her hand.......and by the time she was done.....she had taken 8. Yes 8!!! For god sakes how much do they really need.

Now comes the waiting to make sure everything is ok. God willing everything will be.

It's official

We're having a baby!!

Well we went to the doctor today. Turns out they've never seen a woman come in after a positive pregnancy test who wasn't pregnant. That's good to know for the future. They also don't recommend E.P.T. as a pregnancy test brand. Good to know although after we tried it, I don't think we will try it again. They drew blood from Kylene and they are going to run tests to make sure everything is ok. We have to go back in a few weeks to discuss everything and see the first ultrasound.

I'm very excited for the ultrasound. I think that just serves to make it more real. I'm too excited to put it all into words now. Maybe more later.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Knowing is half the battle

So as Dave stated in his earlier post the first pregnancy test I took came up really weird. As I read the instructions it said wait a week and try again if you get a false or weird reading. A WEEK!!!!! I don't want to wait that long. To make matters worse I was to have a very important meeting at work the next day. We were to go over employee contracts. As my boss is talking to me she asked if everything was ok. I told her that I had a lot on my mind.

If I am.... I can't sign a contract that locks me into somewhere without the understanding that I will be leaving when I'm to big to work (I'm a massage therapist).

I told her I wanted to take it home so we could look it over. And she asked me again if everything was ok because she noticed I was really flush and not feeling very well. At this point I had to let her know what was on my mind since she was my boss and friend who would know what I was going through.

She was the one who gave me the idea to try another brand.

I went food shopping Wednesday and thought "What the Hell can't do any harm".......

I get home and bring the groceries in and grab the new test and head off to hopefully not fail this test. As I finish It was almost immediate.....POSITIVE!!! I called Dave at work and gave him the news. Needless to say he got no work done for the rest of the day. I've never seen someone so happy to get the news that he's going to be a dad. What a wonderful feeling knowing I have someone who will be there with me through this life altering event. He truly is a wonderful husband and will be a wonderful father.

Tomorrow is the doctors visit that will let us know the truth. Hopefully I will be able to sleep tonight and concentrate on work tomorrow. Please let tomorrow at 11:30am get here as soon as possible.


I have butterflies in my stomach.

That's not entirely accurate, I have butterflies in every part of my body. I'm very excited about us having a baby. I'm unfortunately nervous right now, because we don't know for sure. Sometimes I just wish that life had a fast forward button, and when I pressed it I could speed time up until I reached the point that I want. I just want to know.

Not being pregnant is fine. If Kylene isn't pregnant, then it wasn't meant to be. I can accept that and we will try again.

Being pregnant is amazing. My imagination is running wild. I just can't help but think of how incredible it will be to have the bond and the experiences that I've seen other people have with their children.

Therein lies my dilemma. I don't want to get my hopes up, and yet I can't help myself.

Guess What? You're going to be a Daddy.

These are the words on the signs that greeted me when I arrived home from work yesterday. I of course already knew that Kylene might be pregnant, it has been the topic of conversation for several days. Earlier in the week, she tried a test that frankly came up really odd. We thought we'd give her period more time to start, but finally yesterday we had to check again. We tried a different brand this time and it came up positive. Now I know these tests aren't 100% accurate, so we're headed to the doctor tommorrow.

Until then I needed to start this blog. I needed a way to tell people, without actually telling anyone. I plan on letting everyone know about the blog after we know for sure. Then it will become a place for Kylene and I to post thoughts, experiences, and pictures of the life of our family as it grows.