Friday, March 31, 2006

Parental Insanity

I can't stop bouncing my leg. I bounce Matty on my knee when he's a little fussy. He really seems to enjoy it. My problem stems from when I am not holding Matty and he starts to fuss. I start bouncing my leg. I don't do it consciously. For example, I'll be eating dinner when he starts to cry. I'll look down and there's my leg bouncing away. Is there such a thing as parental insanity? Maybe I need to look this up...

Saturday, March 25, 2006

A Request for Feedback

Kye and I keep hearing about people reading this blog and really enjoying it. We are very excited that we have an audience. Since you are out there and enjoy reading what we have to write, we feel that perhaps we should write more often. However, we don't want the posts to get boring and have everyone lose interest. So my request is in two parts. First, if you are out there reading this, then please comment here and let us know. Also if you like what we post, or want to ask questions then feel free to comment on those posts. We're happy to carry on conversations about anything we post.

Thanks in advance.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Chatty Matty

Well as of next week Matthew will be 3months old. He is 12 1/2 lbs. and 24 inches long. He has had a lot of firsts in the past few weeks. To name a few...he smiles, waves hands, kicks legs and he has even had his first big round of immunizations. His hands have become a source of entertaiment as well. Waving them about and even trying to fit his fists in his mouth when he's hungry. He loves to see and meet new people. Not a trace of shyness with this one. But by far the best and funniest new thing for him is the baby babble. It ranges from cooing, to squeals and sometimes yelling. The yelling usually occurs during tummy time out of fustration for not being able to quite figure out how to roll all the way over yet. He is still sleeping through the night, 9 to 10 hours at a stretch, but only takes short naps through out the day. He has such an easy going personality. Let's just pray it stays that way.