Wednesday, April 19, 2006

1st Easter


Matty had a wonderful first Easter. We visited with everyone including his cousin Robbie, Aunt Susan and Uncle Andy, Ms. Millie and Gigi and Grandad. He loved the attention and the new toys he was given. His favorite is the bunny rattle that Gigi and Grandad gave him. He also recieved some much needed summer clothing from Gammy. God I can't wait to see those chunky little legs in shorts:-) Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 15, 2006

What Cookie?


Don't these two look like they just got caught with their hands in the cookie jar? Matty and Gabe are really starting to notice each other at their play dates. Irene and I can't wait till they are really interacting with one another. That is really going to be a sight to see. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Fluke

Just last week I was giving Matthew his daily tummy time. I had rolled him from his back to his stomach pinning his left arm under him, when to my amazement all the stars alined and boom... he rolled over. I was so excited and proud that I called Dave and my mom and Dave called his mom. Once Dave got home from work we promptly place Matty back on his belly to see if he would do it again. Matty knew what we were trying to accomplish so he promptly started to scream and pushes his butt in the air. Then he stuck his thumb in his mouth and went to sleep. And ever since that fateful day he has not done it again.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Feeding Time at the Zoo


We had to call our pediatrician because Matty had started to show signs of teething like gnawing on knuckles, chewing on teething rings and lots of slobber all down his chin. While I had Dr. J. on the phone I asked him when we could start giving Matty rice cereal because he was screaming(!!!!!) for his bottles every hour and a half. And since Matty was taking 8 bottles in a 24 hour period we were told to start him on rice cereal. Now I won't lie and say he was a perfect angel and took it like a champ from the get go, it took nearly a week to teach him to take it from a spoon. We also had to learn the consistency to make it and what the best time to get him to eat with out too much of a problem was. As you can see in the picture above I now can't get it in his mouth fast enough. Posted by Picasa