Wednesday, June 29, 2005


The doctor let us videotape him using the doppler at our last appointment. You can download the video here. Enjoy!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

You know you're showing when......

On Sunday Dave and I went to see our friend Patrick dance in Cinderella. Now as most of you know pregnant women always and I mean always have to go to the bathroom. So during the second intermission I ran for the bathroom upstairs. Luckily I was third in line. Now there were little girls everywhere since it was a children's ballet. And they have to go about as often as I do. But one little girl sticks out more than the rest. As I was standing in line trying to wait patiently this little girl came up to me and asked "Do you have a baby in your belly?" "Why yes I do" I told her. She then wanted to know their name, but I had to tell her I didn't know what I was having yet. As the people behind me giggled and I tried to keep from laughing her mom looked at me and said "Thank god you're pregnant because I hate when she asked people those questions and they aren't expecting."

Needless to say that little conversation has been a source of amusement for us since Sunday.

Time to Shop

Well it finally happened......I had to start buying maternity clothes. I knew I had to go shopping when all my old tee shirts wouldn't go down over my belly anymore and none of my pants would button. So for my birthday I ended up at Mimi Maternity/Motherhood Maternity in the Christiana mall. Now a week or so before hand I went to Kohl's and bought some things, but they didn't have much. But Motherhood Maternity and Old Navy (recommended by a fellow mom-to-be) are now my shopping places of choice. I loved looking and making lists of all the clothes I needed and yes wanted. My mom who was shopping with us was so excited to see me buying maternity clothes that she had to get in on it too. So two tee shirts later the grandma-to-be was happy to have added to my new collection of preggers clothing. I can't wait to go shopping for more.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

When winter comes heaven will rain success on you

... or so my fortune cookie told me. I normally don't put a ton of stock in fortune cookies, but this one is eerily appropriate. I just hope it's true. I think the worse part of this whole process is that you just don't know what is going to happen. It's like a rollercoaster, you just have to strap yourself in, hope for the best, and hang on.

oh please....